Two timeless Purim lessons
Purim is one of my favourite holidays, not simply for the obvious reason that it’s a great excuse to say “I’ll drink to that”, but more importantly because it contains a powerful one-two punch lesson that is important for us as an STC family as well as for all of Klal Yisrael.
The danger facing the Jews in Persia came about because Haman realized that we were a divided people…and divided we do indeed fall. Esther realized this and in order to turn the tides, instructed Mordechai: “Lech knos et kol haYehudim” – “Go and gather all the Jews.” In order to merit mazel and bracha as a nation, we must show Hashem and each other that we treat every Jew as a member of our family. We do this so well here at shul and we need to extend that to each Jew we meet. Together we can bring tremendous blessing into this world.
Secondly, at the end of Sefer Devarim, the Torah warns us that calamities will befall the Jewish people despite our commitment to Jewish practice…if the Judaism we practice is devoid of joy. When we go through the motions but feel no simcha, that’s a problem because not only does it mean that we are missing out on the essence of what it means to be a Jew, but empty ritual is impossible to pass on to the next generation. On Purim, the happiest day of the year, we remind ourselves of the richness and joy that are part and parcel of Judaism and we are reminded to extend that joyfulness throughout the year.
Chag Purim Sameach!
Rabbi Lipner