Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Welcome to the Shaarei Tefillah Youth Department

There is always something fun and exciting in the making in the STC-YD!

Shaarei Tefillah is very proud to have a thriving and vibrant Youth Department.  We strive  to provide an educational environment that is fun, engaging and safe.


Ryan & Batya Jenah

We would like to formally introduce ourselves as the STC Youth Directors of the Junior Minyan! Since Rosh Hashana 2018, we have been leading incredibly entertaining, educational, and exciting Shabbat groups, running almost every week. Junior Minyan is the program geared to youth in grades 4-8.

Here’s a little blurb about us: Batya is a Social Worker, having working experience with teens and youth through NCSY and Torah High. She truly is the Parsha Questions master! Ryan is a student Chiropodist (foot specialist) set to graduate in spring 2019. Ryan has been the Gabbai Rishon and director of the Clanton Park Shul Youth Minyan, with experience creating a meaningful minyan experience.

Our Junior Minyan program for STC is focused on introducing aspects of Shabbat tefillah, weekly Parsha, and Torah values. We utilize exciting games, activities, and challenges that allow participants to flourish in an informal learning environment. We also plan events for Youth – ask us about our successful Sushi in the Sukkah and Skate Night events! We cannot wait to show you what we have in store. We invite you to come to the Junior Minyan hungry and ready to have fun! We hope to see you soon.


Ariella Josman and Yossi Eliahu

During Shabbatot, Yom Tovim and throughout the year, these two bright, passionate young Israelis will be at STC to share their authentic Israeli perspectives, connect us to Israel through creative experiences and introduce us to the latest in Israeli culture. Help us welcome Ariella and Yossi! Introduce yourselves when you see them at shul and get to know them. They will be creating many programs throughout the year for all ages. Have an idea or want to learn something with them? They want to hear from you!

“I decided I wanted to do this year when I got accepted (to the UJA ShinShinim program)! During the application process, I was scared and not sure it was the right thing for me and I said to myself – ‘if I get in, it is a sign I am suitable for this year; and this year is suitable for me.’ So when I got in, I knew it was the right thing, and it automatically became something I wanted to do. I heard Toronto is one of the most Zionist ציוני communities around the world. I wanted to learn more about Toronto Jewry and about how Jews live in the Diaspora. I also wanted to bring my perspective of Israel to the Jewish community in Toronto and become a small connecting bridge between Israeli and Torontonian Jews.” – Ariella Josman 

“I decided to do a year of service – Shnat Sherut שנת שרות – when I was at Camp Szarves in Hungary, a two-week summer camp that brings together 500 Jewish kids from all over the world. It was the first time I saw so many Jewish people outside of Israel. I was interested and wanted to learn more about the Jewish community in the Diaspora. Toronto is the sister city of Bat Yam, Eilat and Sderot. I grew up in Bat Yam seeing all of the help and support that the Jewish community in Toronto gave these cities through UJA. It’s important for me to give back.” Yossi Eliahu

Experience our Weekly Shabbat Groups

Shabbat mornings
10:00 am to 11:45 am

The Youth Department looks forward to a year more fun, more exciting, more eventful, and most importantly, more safe.  

Under Grade 1
Room #103

Grades 1 and 2

Grades 3 and up

There has never been a better time to join our Shaarei Tefillah family!